Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas.  This year we were able to celebrate with the Shupe's before Christmas and with the Toone's later this week so that we could be home on Christmas Day.  The Shupe's party included a talent show. All the kids did so well, but I thought I'd share with you Thomas's version of "I'm Getting Nothing for Christmas".  

Christmas Day the kids woke up at their ususal early hour (about 6:30).  We had so much fun playing most of the day.  Thomas and Natalie are at a great age where they can play real games.  After church, my parents came with Camille for the afternoon and we had such a wonderful time visiting with them.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

In the Big City

Natalie and I joined my two sisters and their older daughters for a mother daughter date yesterday.  We went to Abravanel Hall in Salt Lake to hear the Utah Symphony's Christmas concert followed by lunch at the Lion House Restaurant.  We had such a great time!

Friday, December 16, 2011

My Roots

I love researching my family lines and I thought this program was so cool that I wanted to share it with you. It creates a 9 generation family chart (including both sides of your family) that is so easy to read.  I had mine posted below, however, I had reports that some computers had trouble viewing my blog with this chart, so I had to remove it.  However you can go to  http://createfan.com/ to create your own and in just a few minutes you can see your ancestors . You may need to create a Family Search ID. Have fun!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pictures from Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was great.  Almost all of the Toone’s were there including Steve and Leeann’s family from Arizona, and Washington.  Kathy had brought some fun crafts for the kids to do and Carson had made a piñata that kids loved!  We had a wonderful feast, everyone brought something to share.  That evening we went and played basketball and climbed on the climbing wall at the middle school.  We headed home after lunch on Friday since Jared was on call at the hospital.  

Saturday we put up the Christmas decorations including the crèche. We also went to Santaquin’s Light Parade, which for future reference, wasn’t really worth the effort of getting the kids all bundled up (a fire truck with Santa riding on top, a few police cars and maybe 3 small floats with lights). We are super excited for Christmas this year.  We’re reading Christmas books, watching Christmas movies and doing our Advent daily activities and candy.  Although we do include Santa in our celebration, we try to keep a strong focus on Jesus Christ's birth.  Yesterday morning we went to the ward’s Christmas Breakfast and Thomas and Natalie sat on Santa’s lap.  The twins were pretty nervous just to be in the line to see Santa and Amelia confided with Jared telling him “I’m scared”.  Amelia’s new favorite saying is “Bah Humbug” after watching Disney’s Christmas Carol (with Mickey Mouse).