Life for me revolves around my family. I'm a stay-at-home mom and my hobbies are playing/reading/singing/dancing with my kids, drawing, painting, going on walks, biking, swimming, hiking, picnicking, camping, and genealogy. Before having kids, I graduated with a Master’s degree in Statistics and worked as a research assistant as well as a business data analyst.
I've been married for 11 years to my sweetie Jared. Jared is a School Psychologist and an on-call Crisis Worker at the hospital about once per week. Jared is an awesome dad and husband. When he's home he helps out with the kids, cooking, yard work and is handy around the house. He enjoys doing things outdoors, playing the guitar and piano, gardening, baking bread, and being with the kids.
Thomas is our first miracle; we weren't able to start our family until Thomas was adopted. Thomas is very social; he loves playing with his friends, learning, books, movies, and candy. Natalie was our 2nd miracle, born 4 days shy of Thomas's first birthday. Natalie loves princesses, the color pink, flowers, singing, and playing. The twins, Abigail and Amelia are our 3rd and 4th miracles. Thinking that we'd have difficulties getting pregnant we were completely shocked that twins were on their way. The pregnancy was complicated by twin-to-twin transfusion. The girls were taken from me at 27 weeks weighing only 1 lb. 7 oz. and 2 lbs 7oz. remarkably they survived and are doing quite well. Abigail is very active, she loves to play, ride her tricycle and watch Elmo's World and Diego. Amelia suffered a grade 4 brain hemorrhage at birth and has Cerebral Palsy (CP). Considering the level of bleed her CP is mild. She is very social, bright and is talking. Both of her legs and her left arm affected but she can walk with a walker, and crawls up and down the stairs. She uses mostly her right hand but can use her left to assist her. Her success is due to many prayers and blessings, physical therapy and Botox injections. Amelia likes to play with dolls, color and pretend she is cooking. She is a Daddy's girl.
We see many miracles in our lives each day and thank God for each moment we have to enjoy.