Sunday, September 11, 2011

School Days

First Day of Kindergarten

Thomas is now in kindergarten.  He loves it, although he's not good at telling us what he actually does at school.  Most of the time he doesn't remember, and when he does remember, it's often a hard to believe story like one about his teacher catching wasps on the playground then bringing them in for science class.  

Natalie has also started pre-school.  It is taught by six moms in the neighborhood (I am one of them) who rotate who teaches the kids in their home twice a week each week.  We’ll also be going on several fieldtrips and have a few holiday parties.  Her preschool is at the same time as kindergarten and the twin’s naptime leaving me with just over an hour to myself. It's so unbelievably quiet in my house that I hardly know what to do with myself. 

Natalie likes her school as well but just like Thomas doesn't talk much about what she did.  Her teacher last week did mention that the girls were not including the boys and were even a bit snooty to them, which I could easily believe Natalie doing, not intentionally to be mean, but rather because she just loves all things girly and princessy.  So I had a serious talk with her, of course she denies ever being mean to the boys.  We’ll hope she is nice.

Labor Day

Labor Day, which is usually quite blah, was actually very fun this year.  We went to Red Butte Gardens and then met up with Matt and Laura (Jared’s brother and wife) for dinner and icecream in Salt Lake.  Red Butte Gardens was beautiful and fun for even the kids. We were pleasantly surprised that it happened to be free admission’s that day (reg. approx. $30 for our family).  We had a great time with Matt and Laura and were so glad that they were able to meet up with us.